Sauna infusion in various forms

Ah, is there anything like heat and natural oils that soothe the mind, create tranquility, and body awareness? Now you can unwind and inhale the tranquility with sauna infusions at Fjordgaarden.

We offer sauna infusions as an add-on to access to the spa at fixed times every weekend. Each session has a limited number of spots - therefore, registration with the spa staff is required. Price for participation: 55 DKK per session.

We also have special Tuesday Infusion evenings where you pay for a complete package including spa access, multiple sauna infusions, and a ginger shot. These events take place every other Tuesday, and you can find the schedule below.

IMPORTANT: You can only participate in the weekend sauna infusions if you have also purchased access to the spa. Each session has a limited number of spots - therefore, registration with the spa staff is required.

price from
DKK 55 + kurbadsadgang

Saunagus Every Weekend

Saturdays: 14:00-17:00

Sundays: kl. 9.30-11.30

Remember to register with the spa staff:
Phone: 71747978
